How to Soothe My Baby When They Cry Themselves to Sleep?

June 11, 2021 2 min read

How to Soothe My Baby When They Cry Themselves to Sleep?

No mom wants her baby to cry before and while sleeping. If you, too, are one of the moms who feel anxious when your child cries, you should know that it’s completely normal for babies to cry themselves to sleep. All parents wish for their children to sleep through the night peacefully. However, on hearing the baby cry in the middle of the night, they often feel clueless about the reasons for their baby’s distress. They overthink, which also disrupts their sleep. The best solution here is to understand your baby’s behavior and sleeping patterns to soothe them when they cry themselves to sleep.

Here are a few things to consider when you want your baby to sleep well:

  1. Many moms think their child gets tired late at night, so they put their baby to sleep only when it’s late in the evening. This is, in fact, a false assumption. Babies sleep better when they fall asleep early in the evening. They sleep undisturbed through the night and wake up fresh in the morning.
  2. Do not follow a strict schedule when getting your baby to bed. Look for signs of them getting tired like yawning, unnecessary crying, eye-rubbing, unresponsiveness to calls or actions, reduced playfulness, etc. Let your baby sleep whenever their actions indicate they need sleep.
  3. Adults and children both wake up multiple times at night. The difference is adults know how to get themselves back to sleep, while babies are yet to learn to soothe themselves. You can help them do this by creating a calm environment and rocking them before they sleep. Try to put them in the cradle before they fall asleep, so they get familiar with the place. However, this may not always be possible, as babies sometimes fall asleep while feeding or rocking.
  4. You can also soothe your crying baby by keeping them closer to you and walking around them. Talking, singing, and rocking the baby while walking has a calming effect on the baby. Gently pat your baby’s back and analyze the best ways to soothe him/her.

Other reasons why your baby could be crying more than usual are:

  • If they are hungry.
  • Check if they need burping.
  • Consider checking if your baby has a temperature.
  • If there is too much humidity in the environment.
  • Consider changing the baby’s diaper.


Listening to the child cry can be emotionally challenging for a parent. However, recognizing what’s best for your baby will simplify the process of getting your child to sleep and relieve you from situational anxiety. Consider the various reasons for your baby’s sleeping behaviors and take action accordingly. Soothing a crying baby can test the primary caregiver’s patience if they don’t know why the baby is irritated. So try to learn more about your child and educate the babysitter as well.

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