The whole idea of a connected smart thermometer is to do more than just tell you a body temperature. The main objective is to give you the knowledge, guidance, maintain history log of your family’s health and do much more.
The Hubble app tracks the temperature for a profile with a paradigm ofFever Cycle. A fever cycle is a ideally a period spanned across a timeline when the recorded temperature for a profile was higher than normal range until a series of normal temperature recordings are logged for him in the app which implies that sick person has recovered.
For getting such important insights,it is always advised to record the temperature with app being connected to the smart thermometer. If this is followed, there will be no missed temperature recordings which eventually lead to more accurate fever management and cycle records.
Based on the study of causes and the nature of fever due to viruses, bacteria, allergies etc., fever lasts for a duration of 3-5 days and with this reference Hubble considers a defaultfever cycle of 7 days (from the date when higher temperature is recorded) and makes an assumption that normally sick person should recover within this 7 days duration for 80% of the cases. Ofcourse, there can be exceptions or possibilities where this duration of fever can last longer soHubble has put an intelligent algorithm to cater for such scenarios as well. Please find below the sample illustration with four example cases explained for better understanding on how a fever cycle is managed in the Hubble app.
Sample Illustration: Below are some use case scenarios which will help to understand the management of fever cycle in details.
Hypothetical profile name: Alan
Case 1: Alan on June 11th seems to be febrile and his temperature recorded is 100.2F. This temperature being higher than the normal human body temperature will marked as the start of the fever cycle on June 11th.
Based on Hubble’s “7” days fever cycle, this cycleSHOULDend on June 18th if there are not any further recordings or normal temperature is recorded after June 11th. Refer below snapshot.
Since here there was no temperature recordings after June 11th, the Fever cycle will be shown in the app with only June 11th date. Please refer below snapshot from app.
So, this is an indication and example how Alan’s fever cycle was not managed properly and will not give any proper insights if this fever logs are to be shared later to any doctor or family members.
Case 2:If Alan’s temperature is being monitored well and synced to the app regularly as shown in the table below, say he recovered on the 4th day with below temperature recordings patterns which were successfully synced to the app.
Since Alan started showing recovery on June 14th and his final recovery reading was on June 15th, fever cycle will be shown in the app from June 11th to June 15th. Please refer below snapshot from app.
Case 3: Alan’s temperature is being monitored based on regular routine and synced to the app regularly, like below temperature patterns but every time it is a normal temperature. Since there is no high temperature reading detected in fever range so ideally there is no fever cycle here but app will show under fever cycle with highlighting the fact of no fever recorded.
Below is the app snapshot how it will record.
Case 4:Alan’s temperature is being monitored on regular routine basis and synced to the app regularly, like below temperature patterns recorded normal temperature for June 11th / June 12th and fever temperature from June 13th to June 15th . Since there are consecutive normal temperature recorded for 2 days and on the 3rd day, elevated temperature was recorded, so the app will generate two cycles.
Normal Temperature cycle:June 11th to June 12th
Fever cycle: June 13th to June 15th